Chatting with a friend, he mentioned that he didn't think the low pressure pump that GBS provided with his kit would sufficient. That got me thinking about my own car and whether or not my fuel pump would be sufficient for supplying my 2.5L engine.
This weekend I blitzed through a fun little side project to join inexpensive Bluetooth motorcycle headset/intercom systems into compact, folding hearing protective ear defenders.
I was inspired by a few DIY builds using inexpensive motorcycle intercom headsets. (And even Cardo Systems' own PackTalk headset.)
The results are pretty great, to be honest. The sound quality is way better than I'd hoped for. Paired up to my phone they work extremely well, the controls are easy to use, and the they're reasonably easy to pair up. At $75 a pop, I'm not going to get too bent out of shape if somebody boosts them out of my car when I'm not looking.
As a bonus, the don't look much more janky than the Cardo solution.
I won't go into a full tutorial, other have done so already so I'll just link to one of them here: