Saturday, October 19, 2024

Been a hot minute. Guess I should update.

 I don't update here very often because this is mostly a surrogate for my own memory.  And I don't remember that this exists. (And I've been using journaling tools on my phone more often than not for the Second Memory functions.)

Anyway, thought I'd take a moment to babble about my current cars things.

2019 Volkswagen Golf GTI - The Daily Driver.  I have done no mods to this car. I will do no mods to this car. I bought it when I though I would be commuting to work every day...then the world changed. Whenever I think about getting something else I just can't bring myself to do it for financial responsibility reasons. (Hard to argue with a 0% APR loan vs. what loan rates are like right now)

  • Current State:
    • Registered
    • Running
  • Current TechDebt:
    • None
  • Recent Projects:
    • None
  • Upcoming Projects:
    • None
  • Keep or Sell in 2025:
    • Sell or trade in, maybe in an EV or a plug-in Prius.

1992 Suzuki Cappuccino - There's really not a lot that I want to do with car other than keep it fresh and running.  I want it as a small, sporty cruiser and I'm going to keep as a small sporty cruiser. No crazy build.  I think I'm over the crazy build phase of my life.

  • Current State:
    • Registered
    • Running
  • Current TechDebt:
    • Timing belt and Water Pump should be replaced.
    • Small oil leak.
    • Blown/Tired shocks and springs.
    • Targa bar does not go all the way down.
  • Recent Projects:
    • Extended wheel studs.
    • New wheels and tires.
    • Gas spring hood struts.
  • Upcoming projects:
    • Boost gauge installation.
    • Feder roll/Fender Flares.
    • MegaSquirt All The Things.
  • Keep or Sell in 2025:
    • Keep
1995 Subaru Sambar KS4 4x4 Truck - Impulse purchase. Been sitting in my driveway for a bit. I have some plans but this isn't a focus vehicle. I may sell it off before too long.

  • Current State:
    • Not Registered
    • Running
  • Current TechDebt:
    • Oil change
    • Wheels and tires
    • Wipers
    • General clean up
    • Negative battery ground straps need to be replaced
    • Battery box needs a birthday
    • Brake bleed is probably desperately needed.
  • Recent Projects:
    • 4WD button replacement
    • Battery box cover
  • Upcoming Projects:
    • Insurance and registration (in progress)
    • Wheels and tires, probably will need extended studs.
  • Keep or Sell in 2025:
    • I'll probably sell it after playing with it for a little bit and doing a few fixes/mods.
2002 Porsche 911 (996) C2 - More and more this car is becoming "My Porsche."  Personalized over time as I understand what I want this car to be, the feelings I want to haven driving it. That doesn't mean that its a "Forever Car" or my ultimate Porsche, because I don't think that it is.
  • Current State:
    • Running
    • Registered
  • Current TechDebt:
    • Tires are near End of Life
  • Recent Projects:
    • Paintless Dent Repair
    • Paint Correction/Detail
  • Upcoming Projects:
    • Weight Reductions
      • Lithium Battery
      • Sport Exhaust
      • CD Changer Delete
    • Suspension Upgrades
      • GT3 inspired upgrades. (Sharkwerks or BRR)
  • Keep or Sell in 2025:
    • Keep, unless I can swap into an inexpensive 981 Cayman S or Boxster S
2020 GBS Zero Roadster - My Seven experience.  I like driving it.  It's fun.  It's not as rowdy as I want it to be.  I have some thoughts about this car and mostly they all come down to "It's not the rowdy hooligan it turns out that I want.)  I'm on the fence about selling and building something new to fill the rowdy need or tearing it's current form and rebuilding it.  I'm leaning toward the latter.

  • Current State:
    • Running
    • Registered
  • Current TechDebt:
    • It's leaking like the Exxon Valdez.
    • Oiling system needs a revamp.
    • Passenger harnesses replacement.
    • Better seating
  • Recent Projects:
    • Raceline oil pan
    • CarPlay console
    • Coilover rebuild (might not have been needed. :/)
  • Upcoming Projects:
    • Fixing the fucking leaking oil pan.
    • Downsizing the engine, maybe 2.0L w/ NC VVT head.
      • High revs because reasons.
  • Keep or Sell in 2025:
    • I might sell this car and focus on the kinds of cars and driving that make me happiest. (Porsche and Cappuccino)  To sell it, I need to fix the oil problem.

Monday, August 28, 2023

Project Home: Ryobi Stick Vac Repair (Part 1: Problem and Replacement Parts)

 I noticed that my Ryobi stick vac's head has a split hose. That makes it less useful.  The fix should be pretty straightforward, it just requires a short length of replacement hose.  Amazon has it for ~$9 bucks.  It's way better than buying a whole new head.  In this post, I'll chronicle my bumble fuckery implementing this repair.

Amazon had free same-day delivery for orders over $25. I added a cheap Bluetooth label maker to get the hose fast and complete the repair tonight. (And I've got use cases for an inexpensive Bluetooth Label Maker.)

I got the link for the hose from this video on YouTube.

Project 996: Wiper Cowl replacement (Part 1, Ordering Parts)

There's not much to mention here; the wiper cowl on my 996 has seen better days and needs to be replaced. It's an old plastic part that's become brittle with age and cracked at a particularly fragile location.

I won't try to do some trick DIY repair with plastic welding or epoxy. The needed replacement parts are still available from Porsche and are relatively inexpensive.  The pieces I've ordered include the cowl panel and the cowl caps. This will run me about $300, shipped.  I honestly thought the cost would be a lot steeper than that.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

GBS Zero: Fender Clamp Failure

I need to be better at updating this blog.  This is a short video of the failure mode of using epoxy for bond-in studs.

SPOILER ALERT: Don't use epoxy. Use 3M Panel Bond.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Zero: Front Big Brake Kit upgrade.

Planning out a big break upgrade for the Zero with some parts I've had on the shelf for a while, some parts I bought for a song on Ebay, and some parts I've made myself on my mini-lathe.  Oh, and some rotors from an NB Miata.  All told, should shave around four pounds off the unsprung weight from the front suspension. (Would be around 8lbs if I also spring for the two piece rotors.)

996: Stereo trim upgrade.

 I've not been good about keeping this blog up-to-date or making good content about the 996. I'm going to try to resolve that.

Here's a quick video I did on the last touches of an Alpine iLX-W650 head unit install that took maybe a bit longer than I'd have like.  It's fluff but...Whatever.